Financial Advice and Financial Products For Company Owners.
If you are a business owner we have products specifically tailored to your needs, these appear in the drop down menu and to make it easy for you to select the products that you are looking for we have also listed them below.
Mortgage Protection Insurance.
Mortgage protection life cover is a must these days, if you are taken ill or have an accident then you need to know that your mortgage protection will take care of your mortgage payments. We can provide you with a competitive mortgage protection quote either just for your mortgage or a mortgage life insurance policy. Mortgage life cover will take care of your mortgage payments in the event of your death providing your family with a debt free roof over their heads.
Life Insurance.
Life Insurance, Why Do I Need To Get Life Assurance?
Almost HALF of parents in Ireland have NO life Cover. 45% of parents with children under 17 have NO Life Cover or Mortgage Protection Cover at all. (Source Coyne Research 2013)
Is your family protected financially if something were to happen to you or your partner? Mortgage Protection Cover repays the lending institution, but your family cannot eat the bricks.
If you have dependents, you need Life Assurance. If you have debt, you need Life Insurance. No ifs or buts. If you bring much needed income into the household and this stops on your death, you need a Life Insurance Policy.
Pension Life Assurance and Pension Term Assurance.
Do you know deep down that you are not availing of all the Tax Reliefs you are entitled to? Well, here’s a simple tax tip that most people can avail of and its easy to arrange…..
There are different types of Life Assurance. Pension Life Assurance or Pension Term Assurance is an essential tax planning component of your overall Life Assurance planning.
You are eligible to use this type of cover if you are self employed, are a company director or if you are an employee who is NOT part of a company pension scheme.
Essentially, the cost of the cover is classed as a type of pension contribution and you can get tax relief on these premiums.
Income Protection Insurance Are You Covered?
Income protection is often an overlooked insurance that people rarely think about, however what would happen if you for any reason lost your income?
Income protection will protect you and your family in the case of long term illness and or serious injury, it's simple to get an income protection insurance quote and we will make certain that you get the best income protection insurance for your needs and we do it fast. Remember, a key benefit to this cover is generous tax relief.
Serious Illness cover.
(also known as Critical Illness Insurance / Specified Illness cover)
You are 4 times more likely to suffer a serious illness than to die before age 65. (Source: Irish Life Assurance – their own claims statistics for 2014)
Critical Illness Cover Can You Afford To Be Without It?
More and more we are seeing our friends and loved ones being diagnosed with a serious illness. Thankfully, a lot of the time, they survive this serious illness and carry on, but what happens in the meantime? Where does the income come from to ensure the family continues to function while simultaneously coping with this serious illness and the stress and worry that obviously comes with it?
Savings and Investments.
Irish people have a comparatively high preference for saving money in deposit accounts, but almost half say they don’t know the typical rate of return, research commissioned by Irish Life indicates. A quarter of Irish wealth is held in cash deposits, three times as much as in Canada and twice as much as in the UK.
For most people, their saving & investment habits will change constantly in line with their priorities. It is important to take a good look at your requirements on a regular basis and ensure that your method of saving & investment keeps up with your needs.
Pension Life Assurance.
There are different types of Life Assurance. Pension Life Assurance or Pension Term Assurance is an essential tax planning component of your overall Life Assurance planning. You are eligible to use this type of cover if you are self employed, are a company director or if you are an employee who is NOT part of a company pension scheme. The key benefit is tax relief.
Inheritance Tax Section 72 Cover.
€356 Million Inheritance Tax was collected by Revenue in 2014 alone. This is just on those estates that were finalised in 2014 ...There is a huge windfall due to Revenue on estates that have not yet been finalised or are still going through the probate process. This is such an unnecessary tax to pay to Revenue directly from one’s estate when a Section 72 life assurance policy could cover the tax bill instead.
Business Owner Protection or Key Man Insurance.
Business owner protection insurance also known as Co-Directors Protection, Partnership Protection or Key Man Insurance. Co-Directors Protection will protect you and your business from serious illness and or death. We will help you to put this cover in place for your key people to ensure there is money to buy out shareholders. All interested parties will be covered so there is no ambiguity.